Minimal resume
This is meant to provide the bare minimum, which I find appropriate for most purposes. Keep in mind that this blog has no work related content, unless otherwise specified. For a detailed and up to date resume, head over to my LinkedIn profile.
- since May 2024: HPC System Administrator @ eXact lab s.r.l.
- March 2020 to April 2024: postdoctoral research fellow @ Tectonophysics and Geodynamics research group, University of Trieste, Italy
- October 2016 to March 2020: research assistant (doctoral candidate) @ University of Trieste, Italy
- including: June 2018 to June 2019: visiting doctoral student @ IAPG, TUM, Munich
- 2020: Ph.D. in Solid Earth Geophysics
- 2015: M.Sc. in Geosciences (geophysics curriculum)
- 2013: B.Sc. in Geology